Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who will take Europe? II - This time its personal

And now, the long anticipated part 2 of "Who will take Europe?". If you haven't read part 1 yet, stop reading immediately. Continuing to read this article, before your eyes have been properly adjusted to Earthfactors beacon of truth, could prove disastrous. I mean, come on, what kind of person are you anyway to see part 2 before seeing part 1. You were probably that annoying person in the audience going "Why are they on an ice planet? Who's that guy in the black outfit breathing all funny, is he a good guy or a bad guy? Is c3po gay?" These were all answered in part 1, and yes, he was extremely gay. So I will not be going back to explain what Earthfactor has been exposing in continent claiming so far, instead we will pick up right where we left off, Asia.

The continent of Asia was long fought over to be claimed by one nation. All failed miserably. Which brings us to our next type of continent claiming, Racialinization. Ra-cial-iz-a-tion: Is the claiming of a continent by one race, when more than 2 races reside on the same continent. (Fact: Orientals are only 1 of many races found on the continent of Asia, for instance, Indian and Arabic to name a couple.) The orientals (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and so on) upon seeing the success of the United States takeover of the Americas, decided to do a little corporate branding of there own. Grouping together into a sort of continental co-op, combined their numbers and overtook the continent of Asia. They needed the ownership to stick, so to cement the deed, they changed their name from orientals, to Asians.

This move has proven very successful. It is now politically incorrect to refer to this race as orientals. Speech patterns had to change. Who screwed up the curve in school when papers were graded? Asians. Who is that person who just cut me off? Asian. Oriental was no longer a term to describe people, they were now rugs. Smart move, successfully ousting their biggest rival India from that continent altogether. (Fact: India makes up over 1/4 of Asia's population.) India was equal to China as the largest country by population in Asia. But by enlisting the help of fellow orientals all over Asia, India was blocked from ownership of this continent. Sorry India, all you have now is your country. At least you have your converts here in the Americas with your "American Indians".

Another continental co-op is Africa. This continent was also taken by racialization. Black people did however have an unfair advantage considering the majority of Africa's Population is black. (Fact: There are a lot of black people in Africa.) Sorry Egyptians, you were outnumbered, and the continent of Africa goes to.... black people. Now, this is a very interesting anomaly. No matter where they live, they are still called, Africans. Whether its rapping in the streets of urban U.S. cities, getting their doctorate at Cambridge or flying around in their spaceship 500 years in the future, they are still called African. What would Luke Skywalker have been called if he was black? African. I have to give them props for having the highest retention of their members. Good job!

In part 3 of "Who will take Europe" we will discuss the continent claiming of Australia, and why no one has yet claimed Europe. Stay tuned.

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