Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Would the Aliens Think? (WWtAT)

It’s an important question (WWtAT). After all, the day will come when all of our actions will need to be explained to the aliens, and what the aliens think about certain daily activities that we as humans regard as perfectly normal might have a significant affect on whether or not we continue to carry out said activities.

You see, by applying the question WWtAT to everyday, mundane acts that we deem normal, we could not only save ourselves from doing things that are totally unnecessary, but also spare us unimaginable embarrassment when the aliens inevitably call us out on them.

Which brings me to the ultimate reason for this post, and that is the Homo-sapien Male Dance (HMD). Really, this goes without saying, but do we really want to have to explain this when the aliens get here? When pressed by the aliens, explaining the importance of the Homo-sapien Female Dance (HFD) will be easy enough. But by and large the HMD will be indefensible. The HMD only has a 7% success rate and, with the exception of sex, I don’t want to do anything knowing I’m going to fail 93% of the time. Even in the event that the HMD is being pulled off successfully, like someone successfully using a hula hoop, it will be near impossible to explain why it is even being attempted in the first place. And judging by the facial expressions of those attempting the HMD (see right), it is neither enjoyable to participate in or observe.

Look, I’m not trying to specifically attack the HMD, but I’m also not looking for any additional work when the aliens show up. Inevitably we will have to explain things like clapping, Crocs, and Asians. And while some of those things will always be part of human culture, we have to realize that some things are in our control. So let’s start asking ourselves WWtAT throughout our day, save ourselves a ton of time when the aliens arrive.

I say we start with the HMD.


  1. Just like sex im sure...i believe im in the 93% but in all likelihood everyone but me is aware im in the 7%.

  2. wooops...correction (Freudian ego surreptitiously made its way through) believe im in the 7%....reality in 93%. One can always dream i guess.

  3. Not to be confused with Homo Male Dancing...higher success rate but still difficult to explain to Aliens...

  4. Aliens are coming? Im hope they come soon. I will probably have a better chance of scoring with their shorties using the HMD. And I hope their hot. And I hope they like my crocs.

    Ka nichee wa
