Thursday, March 26, 2009

Millions of Children everywhere hold there Breath!

It was announced Thursday morning the 26th of March that the Former Housekeeper for the beloved Bryant family will be suing, contending she was “Harassed and Humiliated”. She claims that she was verbally berated and embarrassed while working under conditions that were “intolerable”. She was assaulted with words like lazy, slow even dumb, more the once she was called a liar and cursed at. She seeks back pay for broken promises and Medical Bills, as well as an undisclosed amount for pain and suffering.

Really..? We can get paid for that now? Like everyone else, when I heard the way the housekeeper described her relationship with the Bryant’s, I was naturally reminded of my own childhood. Growing up it seemed like my parents were competing to see who could humiliate me more. Lazy, Slow, Dumb, for the first nine years of my life I was confused as to which of those were my name, when I turned 10 it became obvious that my name was in fact Useless. This Housekeeper called the working conditions she was subject to, “Intolerable”. She claimed she had to reach into a bag “containing” dog poop, I say at least the poop was in a bag. If they wouldn’t have called her a liar and cursed at her, how would she have known they loved her..?

My Parent’s claim they had to make me strong for the real world; perhaps this housekeeper’s parents were not as “generous”. One thing is clear, I am more then equipped to work for Mr. Kobe Bryant.


  1. Edited Version: I think the Bryants should get the death penalty.Forcing this innocent woman to work under conditions with such filthy words like l***, s*** and even d***. Obviously these nasty words aren't even true, if she was l***, she wouldn't have taken the effort to get a lawyer for the Bryant's attrocities. She's not s*** because she was smart enough to file a case that at the least will get her a big out of court settlement, and that goes the same for if she is d*** or not. The Bryants need to not only pay her, but i think a public apology should be in order. This is a major court case in which civilization in our 21st century will be defined. If there is not a big enough punishment, this kind of behavior will spread, possibly leading to the destruction of all mankind. "Would you like fries with that?", will change to, "You're getting fries you idiot!" Upset, this drive thru customer will go home and beat his wife and kids. Fact: 98% of American men will go thru a drive thru at least once in thier life time. That means that there is a 98% chance that one of our future presidents will have been abused by thier father. This once abused child president will eventually have to deal with some country doing something stupid, and now, empowered with a nuclear arsenal, will unleash years of built up and repressed rage upon this stupid country. Retaliation is inevitable, and a nuclear war, which will be followed by a nuclear winter which no man will be able to survive. I say, lets deal with the Bryants now, before it is too late.

  2. And I think we'd all agree that's a best case scenario, Dennis. I shutter to think what life could be like it if things really take a turn for the worse.

  3. Shoot...i need find normal..with manbearpigs post i was in the 2%..holy crap pretty soon i wont exist.
